Friday, March 28, 2014

blog #1

Over the course of the remaining months of school i will be looking into the area of weightlifting/powerlifting and how to make substantial weight gains. Weight gains are the most important part of lifting. Lifters strive to lift the maximum amount of weight they can. Just like any other sport lifting poses numerous challenges, in it there is nothing harder then increasing your max by even a weight as small as five pounds. In my journey to make significant weight gains i am going to be researching different substances, diets, and methods to achieve my goals. Not only will i research them but i will also try the methods first hand to see if they work. Current max lifts bench: 265ibs squat: 435ibs deadlift: 465ibs Goal bench: 300ibs squat: 455ibs deadlift: 500ibs

1 comment:

  1. WOW...benching !!!!300!!!! POUNDS!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAT. Maybe it's just me (and my weakling arms) but that sounds absolutely ridiculous. Good luck!
