Thursday, May 22, 2014

Positive Gains and Methodology

The method i have currently been using is mapped out by the football program. what were are doing is going in 4 week cycles in which our lifts are approximated. The goal of the method is to slowly build up to a max in week 3 of the cycle. The 1st week is light week where we do three sets of 5 for bench, squat, deadlift, and push press. Week two are the same lifts but heavier. Week three is the week that we max out and do sets of 5,3,1 this way we work towards failure to see if we have mad any significant gains in our goals. This week was the max week for football and i experienced success and i am getting close to reaching heights that i have never met before for lifting. My bench improved to 275ibs for 2 reps and i also attempted 290 but was not able to lock it out all the way. My squat stayed the exact same as before. My deadlift showed signs of gains when i did 475 for 2 reps and almost broke a huge landmark for powerlfters at a 500 pound deadlift. Unfortunately i wasnt able to lock it out all the way. Just gotta keep pushing to reach my goals!

Friday, May 9, 2014


Lately i have been trying to answer the question when is the best time to take in protein? The fact is it all depends on whether or not you would like to gain weight. Personally i am an undersized lineman so i would like to gain some weight. The recommendation for gaining weight is to eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolism working throughout the day. Perhaps the biggest helper in trying to gain muscle mass would be to drink 2-3 protein shakes daily. Each shake should contain about 50 grams of protein so you can eventually take in 1g for every pound of body weight. I will drink at least one of these shakes after my lifting session which is critical because your body needs it the most after a heavy lift. My mentor (my dad) has been giving me advice on protein intake a lot lately. A good way to find protein is in lean meats like chicken which is why most powerlifters eat chicken throughout the whole entire day. My dad is a reliable source for information because he used to powerlift competitively winning numerous competitions throughout college and later in life. I will post pictures soon and i hope to continue gaining weight on my lifts to reach my goals.