Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Last 20-time Blog

Overall 20-time has been a great project and learning experience. I intended to become a better, stronger, lifter to help me avenge both of our losses from midland last year in football. I have made great steps that will help me accomplish my goal of becoming a stronger lifter to help me on the field. My 20-time will not end until the final whistle has blown and I am celebrating a win with my brothers on the field. The impact I have had on my team and my self is almost immeasurable. I am making a positive change for both myself and my team. Not only do I benefit in health, confidence, and strength but I am also becoming a better player and captain which will in turn help my team. I ran into road blocks but none of which I didn’t expect. In lifting you hit plateaus where you seemingly cannot add weight to your lifts but I persevered and still had many positive gains. What I learned in 20 time was key to muscle growth. I learned about the best times to take protein, lifting regimens, and new supplements for faster recovery. All of which helped me to get one step closer to achieving my ultimate goal. The thing about this kind of learning that works best for me is I actually have a passion for the topic I am researching. The thing about this kind of learning that is a challenge for me is remembering to take pictures in the weight room because I am too focused on my lifting to remember to take pictures. I would consider my project a success because I have gained a significant amount of weight in all my lifts which was my original goal. I estimate that I spent 8 hours a week on my project 7 of which were in the weight room and the other one was for research and my blog. Something that I believe really helped me with the IB learner profile is to be an inquirer. Because 20-time was a project that I actually enjoyed I asked more questions because I wanted to learn more about the subject that I am passionate about. It also helped me to be knowledgeable because I was always looking for new tactics and strategies to get stronger. What I learned is relevant to English because I learned to have better written communication when I had to transfer what I have been doing to the blog for everyone else to also learn from. This helped me a TON with new technology because before this I didn’t even know what google blogger was or how to set up a google account. There isn’t much advice that I could give for teachers running 20-time in the future the only thing I could possibly think of is having the presentations at school because I believe that more students would show up. To all the students doing 20-time in the future my one big recommendation is just to make sure you pick a topic that you are VERY passionate about. If you pick a topic you are passionate about it will go a lot smoother and you will enjoy the process a lot more than if you didn’t enjoy your topic. I will most definitely continue with my independent learning because I love lifting and hopefully in the future I can be a successful power lifter.

1 comment:

  1. it look like the weightlifting is working for you stay dedicated if is something you like.
